You hear so many different things about Laser Hair Removal, it is hard to know which is the truth and which is a complete myth. We thought we would answer a few of these for you –
Myth: No shaving is needed before laser treatment?
Truth: For the laser treatment to be effective, the hair has to attract the light energy and transport it to the hair follicle. If there’s hair left on the surface, this energy will evaporate on the surface of the skin without reaching the root, Which means the treatment won’t be effective. For this reason all patients asked to shave their hair before treatment. The night before is the optimal time.
Myth: Laser hair removal is only for women?
Truth: Male patients seek laser hair removal as well as female patients. Laser works well on corse dark hair so males can achieve amazing results on their faces and bodies, helping to prevent shaving rashes, irritation and ingrowing hairs.
Myth: Laser hair removal is expensive?
Truth: When compared to the alternatives like waxing over a life time, laser hair removal is actually more affordable than prospective clients think, and there is no downtime waiting for the hair to grow back between sessions, you can shave and be hair free whilst waiting for you next session unlike waxing.
Myth: The laser will burn me?
Truth: As long as you are getting it done by a trained professional it is very rare burning will happen if the client is following pre and aftercare laser advise, laser burning is also very superficial so won’t leave lasting damage to the skin In the unlikely event this has happened.
Myth: Laser is safe for everyone?
Truth: Although laser is a very safe and effective treatment not everyone is suitable for laser this might be due to certain medications or conditions that may make you more sensitive to the laser, this is why a full consultation will be carried out to assess if you are best suited for laser before treatment is carried out.
Myth: Laser works on blonde hair?
Truth: Laser can only work on hair with pigmentation, so blonde and white hairs will not be reduced or removed.
Myth: I can go straight to gym after my session?
Truth: Skip the gym for 12-24 hours after
treatment as this may cause skin irritation, your hair follicles will be extremely sensitive after treatment, by sweating and increasing your body temperature you risk inflammation to your hair follicles. Body sweat also contains bacteria which could again result in rash or infection.
Myth: Lasers cause cancer?
Truth: Laser light does not contain wavelengths that trigger cancers.
We hope this has cleared up a few things for you, we look forward to seeing you in the clinic for your consultation, where we can chat some more.