Skin Care Skin Pigmentation

Understanding the Differences Between Moles and Freckles

Understanding the differences between moles and freckles can help in distinguishing between these two types of skin blemishes. In our BLOG this week, we will explore some of the most notable characteristics of moles and freckles.

Differentiating Between Moles and Freckles by Appearance

Various characteristics can help differentiate moles and freckles based on their appearance. Here are some key distinctions:


  • Shape and Texture – Moles typically have an oval or round form. Their texture can be smooth or slightly bumpy, and they can be raised or flat.
  • Colour – Moles can range in colour from pink to black or dark brown, typically maintaining a consistent color throughout.
  • Size – Moles can vary in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters. It’s important to monitor any significant changes in size over time.
  • Borders – Moles usually have well-defined borders that are distinguishable from the surrounding skin, even if slightly uneven.
  • Hair Growth – Some moles, especially those that are raised, may develop hair.


  • Shape and Texture – Freckles typically have a flat texture and are smaller than moles.
  • Colour – Freckles are usually light brown or tan. Their colour may vary and can appear lighter during the winter months.
  • Size – Freckles are generally smaller than moles, ranging in size from a few millimeters to about a centimeter.
  • Borders – Freckles often have indistinct borders that blend into the surrounding skin, making their edges less defined than those of moles.
  • Distribution – Freckles are more common on sun-exposed areas of the body, such as the face, arms, and shoulders.

It’s important to remember that self-examination is useful for tracking changes in moles and freckles. If you have any concerns or uncertainties about skin marks, you should seek professional advice from a dermatologist. Regular skin check-ups and sun protection are essential for maintaining skin health.

Genetic and Environmental Factors Influencing Skin Marks

Both genetic and environmental factors influence the formation and nature of skin marks such as moles and freckles. Here’s a summary of how these factors contribute:

Genetic Factors:

  • Moles – The tendency to develop moles can be inherited. People with multiple moles in their family are more likely to have multiple moles themselves. Some moles are linked to specific genetic mutations. Congenital moles, or birthmarks, can be caused by genetic factors.
  • Freckles – Genetics also play a role in the likelihood of developing freckles. People with fair skin, light hair, and a family history of freckling are more prone to freckles. Variations in the MC1R gene are associated with red hair, fair skin, and a higher susceptibility to freckling.

Environmental Factors:

  • Moles – The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation and other environmental factors significantly impact the development of moles. Sunburns, especially in childhood, can increase the number of moles. People who live in sun-exposed areas are more likely to develop moles.
  • Freckles – Sun exposure is closely related to the development of freckles. UV radiation stimulates melanin production, leading to freckle formation, which may darken in the sun. People in regions with higher sunlight levels are more likely to develop freckles.

The interaction between genetic predisposition and environmental factors, particularly sun exposure, has a substantial impact on the development of moles and freckles. While some factors are beyond one’s control, sun protection and regular skin monitoring are crucial for maintaining skin health and reducing the risk of skin-related issues.

Monitoring Changes in Moles and Freckles

Monitoring changes in moles and freckles is essential for maintaining skin health and detecting potential problems early. Regular self-examinations, along with professional checks by a dermatologist, can help ensure that any changes are promptly addressed. Here’s how to keep track of changes in moles and freckles:

  • Establish a Routine: Perform self-examinations regularly, ideally once a month. Make it a habit by doing it on the same day each month.
  • Use a Mirror: Use a full-length mirror and a hand-held mirror to examine areas that are hard to see, such as the back, scalp, and buttocks.

ABCDE Rule for Moles:

  • Asymmetry – Check if one half of the mole is different from the other.
  • Border – Look for irregular, blurred, or jagged edges.
  • Colour – Watch for changes in color or multiple colours within the mole.
  • Diameter – Keep an eye on any increase in mole size, especially if it exceeds 6 millimeters.
  • Evolution – Note any changes over time, such as itching, tenderness, or shape changes.

EFG Rule for Freckles:

  • Expansion – See if the freckle is growing in size.
  • Fading – Observe if the freckle fades with less sun exposure.
  • Generation – Look out for new freckles, especially in sun-exposed areas.

Make Use of a Skin Map: Create a map of your moles and freckles to better track their locations and changes.

As ever, please get in touch or book in with one of our Experts here, if you want to have a quick chat, please do give us a call on 01932 731762

Skin Care Skin Pigmentation

How to treat skin pigmentation?

How to treat skin pigmentation?

What Is Skin Pigmentation?

At Surrey Laser Clinic we don’t just treat hair, but other conditions of the skin as well. We get amazing results with hyperpigmentation. Just have a look at the image here of this client. This is the forehead of one of our clients. The pigmentation darkens immediately after the treatment which is normal and then fades over a few days.

Skin pigmentation refers to the colour of a person’s skin, which is determined by the concentration of a pigment called melanin.

Melanin is produced by melanocyte cells in the skin and helps protect the skin from the harmful effects of the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays.

Skin pigmentation can vary greatly between individuals and can be affected by factors such as genetics, sun exposure, and certain medical conditions.

Abnormal pigmentation can result in conditions such as hyperpigmentation (excess melanin production) or hypopigmentation (lack of melanin production).

How to treat skin pigmentation?

  1. Sun protection: Wearing sunscreen and protective clothing when you’re out in the sun can help prevent further pigmentation.
  2. Topical treatments: Depending on the cause of pigmentation, certain creams or ointments can help lighten the affected area. These may include hydroquinone, retinoids, kojic acid, vitamin C, or arbutin. These help and we do recommend Alumier products in the clinic but don’t always give long term results.
  3. Chemical peels: These treatments involved applying a chemical solution to the face to exfoliate the skin and reduce pigmentation.
  4. Laser therapy: Certain types of lasers can target and break down pigmented cells, leading to more even skin tone. See below for more information.

How does laser therapy work on skin pigmentation?

Laser treatment for pigmentation involves using a specific wavelength of light to target and break down the excess melanin in the skin. This allows the body to naturally eliminate the pigmentation over time and promote the growth of new, healthy skin cells. Laser treatment can also stimulate collagen production, which can help improve the overall texture and appearance of the skin. As with all of our laser treatments whether it is hair or pigmentation it is important to note that not all skin types are suitable for laser treatment, and it is essential to consult with our Lynton trained technicians before having treatment,

If you want more information about skin pigmentation then contact our team and one of the specialists can talk you through it 01932 553118

Perhaps you want to discuss your options, and the pros and cons, in more detail. Either way, our team of experts would be delighted to help. Simply get in touch and we can answer your questions, talk you through the process.

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