Skin Care

How Hormones Can Impact Your Skin Health

Balanced Hormones

How do hormones affect skin, thank you to our friends at Alumier for this information…..

Sebum production (or oil production) is a key element in how our skin looks and feels and is controlled by hormones.

At the most basic level, if we produce too much testosterone, it’s likely to lead to blemishes. High doses of oestrogen can suppress oil production, then we experience dryness and wrinkles start to appear.

Our sebaceous glands have receptors on them; if there’s more testosterone whooshing through the body in our blood, then these receptors notice and start to produce more oil. Conversely, very high doses of oestrogen will suppress oil production – also a problem.

Oestrogen is key in the production of collagen too – which helps to keep skin smooth, resilient and plump. Ideally, these two hormones, alongside a multitude of others, including progesterone, need to be in balance for our skin to stay balanced, healthy, smooth, and blemish-free. Let’s take a deeper dive….


Higher levels of testosterone and progesterone can disrupt sebum levels in the skin. The excess sebum combines with dead skin cells and dirt and becomes trapped in pores leading to blemishes. Typically, Progesterone peaks during the luteal phase, which occurs during the second half of the menstrual cycle after ovulation – The first few days of a cycle are part of the follicular phase when progesterone levels are low. Reach for salicylic acid which can deep cleanse pores to help prevent breakouts.

Retinol can boost our skin’s natural exfoliation leading to a shorter lifespan of a blemish too, hurray! Our team can guide you through this process, so you have exactly the right skincare for your needs.

Testosterone fluctuations happen during puberty, pregnancy and thanks to some medications; not to mention as a manifestation of stress, so it’s worth speaking to your healthcare provider for advice and support, too.


Huge life changes come in many guises, but let’s face it, both pregnancy and the menopause are up there. Along with redefining who we are, and navigating the mood swings caused by hormones and myriad physical changes, there goes our skin, seemingly randomly developing patches of discolouration.

There are varying types of discoloration, but it particularly shows up on the upper lip, cheeks and neck. It can be down to sun damage and Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation but, if hormonally related, it usually is down to oestrogen fluctuations.

Dry Skin

Disruption to all hormones, and particularly oestrogen, during the perimenopause and menopause, can affect sebum levels in the skin and lead to dryness.

Oestrogen helps to support collagen production, meaning as it naturally starts to wane, the ageing process is accelerated with more wrinkles, fine lines, and loss of skin elasticity (joy!).

Surprising Things to Consider

Synthetic hormones like the Pill or HRT

If you’re experiencing skin issues and taking hormones, there’s a chance there could be a connection & you need to seek help to decipher what is best for you, so make an appointment. We also recommend keeping a diary that details changes in your skin and when they occur in your cycle.

Stress and cortisol

Cortisol is another hormone that increases oil production in the skin. We release more cortisol if we’re stressed and that can lead – in the same way as testosterone – to more blemishes.

Cortisol is a catabolic hormone which means it breaks down tissues. If we have too much, it suppresses collagen production AND starts breaking down our existing collagen as well as causing breakouts (it’s enough to stress us out).

Dealing with stress is key to helping skin, but also to a happier life, so find a way that helps you to let it out, whether that is yoga and breathwork, talking with friends, therapy, or boxing –  whatever floats your boat.


A balanced diet that includes a variety of fruit and vegetables …. eat the rainbow – is important for overall health.

Excess sugar is linked to a variety of hormonal imbalances, alongside processed foods, caffeine, and alcohol. We also recommend making sure you are staying hydrated throughout the day.

When it comes to hormones it can be hard to decipher what’s going on, but if you suspect any issues, come in and see us for a consultation.

Please get in touch or book in with one of our Experts here, if you want to have a quick chat, please do give us a call on 01932 731762


Laser Hair Removal Skin Care

Let’s Talk Stretchmarks…

What are they and what exactly can we do about them?

They’re often a result of the skin stretching rapidly, which can happen during puberty, pregnancy, rapid weight gain or loss, or even certain medical conditions.

While they’re incredibly common and natural, many people feel self-conscious about them. There are various treatments and products marketed to reduce the appearance of stretch marks, though their effectiveness can vary widely. Some people embrace their stretch marks as a part of their body’s story, while others may seek ways to minimise their visibility for personal reasons.

What sets these cheeky little lines apart, is their appearance, often standing out due to differences in colour and texture compared to the surrounding skin. They can range from pink to white, sometimes accompanied by thinner skin in the affected area.

Thankfully, advances in cosmetic laser treatments offer effective solutions to address both the colour & texture of stretch marks. We can tailor laser treatment plans to target specific concerns, whether it’s reducing the pink hue or improving skin texture. Common treatment areas include the upper arms, chest, abdomen, love handles, and thighs.

By promoting collagen remodeling and skin regrowth, these lasers can gradually blend stretch marks into the surrounding skin after 4 to 6 treatments.

While complete elimination of stretch marks may be challenging, these advanced laser procedures offer some really substantial improvements, restoring confidence and comfort in one’s skin.

Please get in touch or book in for a Skin Consultation with one of our Experts here, if you want to have a quick chat, please do give us a call on 01932 731762

Skin Care

Redness Relief

In Support of Rosacea Awareness Month

Sensitivity. Flushing. Redness. Heat… Does any of this sound familiar?

Most of us experience blushing at some point, maybe because we’re embarrassed, nervous or best of all, in love!

However, persistent facial rouge can have nothing to do with how we’re feeling and everything to do with the condition of skin – and, become a real pain to live with both figuratively and literally.

We would like to share this Blog from our friends over at AlumierMD with you. Read on to discover everything you need to know about rosacea as the skincare community unites throughout April to raise awareness and positivity around this complex condition.

What is Rosacea?

In short, rosacea is an inflammatory skin condition very closely associated with sensitivity, redness and broken veins and capillaries. If left uninterrupted, pimples can show up too. The earliest signs of pre-rosacea include sensitivity and occasional flushing. A compromised barrier means the skin is reactive to external environments (wind, heat, cold) and flushes easily. This flushing can also occur after known triggers like spicy food or alcohol that amplify blood circulation, this process is called vasodilation, FYI. 

This consistent flushing puts pressure on the capillaries that deliver reddening blood to the skin. Like party balloons that have been filled up one too many times, they can eventually “pop” and become a permeant fixture. The skin still needs blood supply, so the body makes replacement capillaries – if they burst too, the cycle continues. This can lead to permeant redness and flushing with stubborn red wiggles across the cheeks, nose and chin, introduce inflammation and hello rosacea.

This complex condition is also closely associated with the delicate balance of the trillions of micro passengers in our body known as the microbiome. Scientists are still scratching their heads about whether a disrupted microbiome is a cause or effect of rosacea, but the link is undeniable.

If you’re recognising your skin in these words, you’re not alone. Rosacea impacts 5% of the world’s population. It’s more prevalent among women than men and while it’s more often recognised in people with lighter skin and therefore common in Celtic regions, this might simply be because it’s more difficult to see redness in darker skin tones.

Things, can only get better….right?

Unlike acne which might flourish and wane (luckily for us, painful pubescent breakouts balance out along with teenage mood swings and desire to slam doors, and even the most volcanic menstrual explosion rarely last all month) rosacea is known as a progressive skin condition, which means with no intervention, it won’t self-soothe.

Taking Action

We believe in skin-positivity around here and celebrate those who feel powerful while living with rosacea. For those whom rosacea is having a negative impact (it can be physically uncomfortable, impacting confidence and aesthetic esteem) there are proactive steps you can take today –

Keeping a skin diary and getting familiar with your flushes is the quickest way to identify and avoid your triggers. These might include alcohol, spicy foods, hot drinks, and of course, stress.

Hot showers and washing skin with water that’s too hot will dry out all skin types including those with sensitive skin and rosacea, so always go for warm instead. The wrong skincare will also impact those with rosacea and all types, so it’s important to consult a professional.

Your medical professional may suggest prescription treatment and skincare to create a holistic plan. Regardless of the route you and your pro settle on, you will need a balanced cleanser, broad-spectrum sunscreen and perhaps a hydrating serum to protect the skin.

Millions of people globally live happily and confidently with rosacea, others seek intervention and support. No matter where you are on that spectrum, AlumierMD’s qualified skincare experts are on hand to help you unlock your skin’s potential and feel truly powerful in your skin.

AlumierMD supports skin positivity and Rosacea Awareness Month.

Please get in touch or book in for a Skin Consultation with one of our Experts here, if you want to have a quick chat, please do give us a call on 01932 731762

Skin Care

Seasonal Changes & The Ingredients Your Skin is Craving

Change is a-coming….. prepare your skin with our top tips

Switching up your skincare for the new season whether it’s spring/summer or autumn/winter is absolutely a not a trend, fad or anything to do with the latest looks on the catwalk.

Seasonal switching is all about understanding what your skin needs at different stages, whether that’s due to changes in your life or in the seasons.

Thanks to stress, hormones, or health imbalances we can suffer unpredictable skin changes at any time of the year. For example, those of us with drier skin types might experience flakiness in winter but also during times of stress.

Our skincare team are the first port of call for any major skin changes as they’ll be able to tweak your routine and treatments whenever you’re in a period of flux, meaning your skin will stay resilient, no matter what’s going on. It’s this personal service that will give you the ultimate results.

SPRING …. breakouts, unpredictable skin, stressed skin

It’s no surprise that this is the time of year to spring clean your skincare routine.

The season of renewal, it’s the perfect time to book in to come see one of our pros and layout your skincare goals for the whole year.

Spring does signal the start of the warmer weather, but particularly in the Northern hemisphere, it can be a very up and down season with some chilly days interspersed with warmer, lighter ones. Unpredictable weather often means unpredictable skin, so sticking to your routine every morning and evening can really help to balance skin. For those who suffer with hayfever (we feel you!) spring can be a challenge with a red, runny nose and itchy feeling skin.

Ingredients to help

Peptides calm and soothe stressed skin and help to maintain a plump and youthful complexion no matter how much the season swings from cool to warm. Speaking (and dreaming) of warm days, SPF is a daily non-negotiable as up to 40% of the sun’s UV rays penetrate through clouds, even on a grey day.

Spring skin swaps

Choose a lighter moisturiser as the air warms up, we like Alumier Hydralight, a soothing hydrator that includes sodium hyaluronate, aloe and niacinamide. Plus, the all-important peptides which work to firm and strengthen skin.

For skin showing signs of stress, calm things down with our Alumier Recovery Balm. Originally formulated to support skin post-procedure, it’s brilliant at rehabilitating red, stressed, confused skin that’s been through a lot, whether that’s following an in-clinic appointment or spring induced Rudolf syndrome.

Please get in touch or book in for a Skin Consultation with one of our Experts here, if you want to have a quick chat, please do give us a call on 01932 731762

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Skin Care

Retinol Reality

A BLOG from AlumierMD that you most definately need to read, the reality of RETINOL.

If you would like to come in for a skin consultation and explore the range of Alumier we have here at Surrey Laser Clinic – please book in here

Myth busting with clinical expert Dr. Sach Mohan

It’s no secret that retinol is a beloved ingredient in the skincare world precisely because of all the incredible skin benefits it can offer. Clinically proven to help slow the visible signs of premature ageing, if you’re interested in firmer, plumper, smoother and more even-looking skin then it’s time to add retinol to your skincare routine. Retinol’s success means there are a huge variety of formulas out there, and it can be quite tricky to know which one will work for you. We could write a whole book series on retinol, but today we’re going to be debunking the most common retinol myths with the help of clinical skin expert, Dr Sach Mohan.

Myth no.1 – All retinol formulas are made equal

Retinol is a form of retinoid, which means it’s a derivative of vitamin A. There are many other forms of retinoid too; retinal, retinol palmitate, retin-A, and other vitamin A derivatives used within skincare products. All work slightly differently on the skin and that’s before we even look at the concentration levels. For results, it all comes down to how long it takes these ingredients to convert into retinoic acid. Retinoic acid is the most active and bio-available version of retinol, it causes MASSIVE action in the skin and only comes with a medical prescription. Retinal palmitate takes a few conversion steps to turn into retinoic acid, and it is well tolerated by sensitive skin. Retinal aldehyde takes only one conversion step, meaning it packs a punch but there’s limited evidence or data as it is a relatively new retinoid.

Dr Sach Mohan, award-winning expert in facial aesthetics and lasers and Medical Director of Revere Clinic says Even if we took ten different retinol serums each with 1% retinol and analysed them in our skin lab – there would be huge differentiation within each formula’s concentration and effectiveness. While it is true that retinol has been proven to be effective at tackling pigmentation, sun damage, fine lines, and wrinkles. It is also true that you need to find a sophisticated formula that will actually provide these benefits, that’s where AlumierMD come in.

Smack bang in the middle of these retinoid strengths is retinol. The entire vitamin A molecule which has been clinically validated to deliver results for over four decades. We took this tried and tested molecule and took it to the next level.

We use cutting-edge microencapsulated retinol which means the retinol is released gradually throughout the night so your skin isn’t overwhelmed. It’s paired with soothing, hydrating ingredients including sodium hyaluronate (a form of hyaluronic acid) and niacinamide which help to support your skin barrier while the retinol challenges your skin to do better. All powerful, effective retinol formulations will have a big impact on your skin – if used correctly you’ll see impressive results, but if slapped on any ol’ how – you might get excessive downtime which will potentially lead you to believe our second myth . . .

Myth no.2 – I can’t use retinol

We know that plenty of people have a really poor history of retinol use. Retinol works like an upside-down exfoliator; it motivates the skin deep down which in turn sheds old skin off the surface. Imagine over-exfoliating with an abrasive mitt (!!!) it will cause redness, irritation, dry patches, and flakiness – the exact symptoms of too much retinol. However, even if you have highly sensitive skin but are willing to commit to a low and slow retinol acclimation period (letting your skin catch up with the action of retinol), you CAN use retinol and reap all the benefits. Yep, our skin pros know exactly how to rebuild and strengthen the skin barrier before starting anyone on retinol.

There are plenty of varying application techniques, frequency of use and layering methodologies to share, including the retinol sandwich, skin cycling and more. Get in touch with your pro and follow their advice. If your skin barrier is compromised, you’ll need to follow a rebuilding skincare routine before you hit up the retinol, so take it slow and be strategic, your skin will thank you. says Dr Sach Mohan.

Myth no.3 – I don’t need to work with a pro to use retinol

Technically, no, you could pop down to the chemist/supermarket/go online and buy a 1% retinol today. Does that mean that you should? NO! See myth no.2! Work with a pro to help you find the right formula for your skin. Bundled up with the other products that make sense with your skin type, retinol becomes more effective and a lot less aggressive. Retinol can also get your skin into peak performance before in-clinic treatments, but it needs some management in terms of stopping and starting between procedures. Your pro will guide you through this and the 3 key elements to using retinol: dose, layering and application technique. While you don’t need a prescription to buy any old 1% retinol – if you want the best experience, it’s worth doing it properly. In fact, our strategically formulated retinol is so impressive that you can’t buy it unless you first have a skin consultation with a pro.

Our retinol is a holistic skin rejuvenation programme in one bottle, don’t be put off by horror stories or previous PRTS (post retinol traumatic stress), you CAN use retinol and you CAN get all the results it offers

Please get in touch or book in for a Skin Consultation with one of our Experts here, if you want to have a quick chat, please do give us a call on 01932 731762

Skin Care

Revealing the Secrets of Dead Skin Cells – Unveiling the Benefits of Regular Exfoliation

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, our skin often takes the brunt of environmental pollutants, toxins, and stress.

Dead skin cells, the silent culprits behind a dull complexion, can hinder our skin’s natural radiance. They are, however, truly fascinating – the world of dead skin cells, the toxins they harbor, and the numerous benefits that come with their removal through regular exfoliation.

The Basics of Dead Skin Cells – Our skin is a dynamic organ, constantly renewing itself by shedding old skin cells and generating new ones. However, not all dead skin cells are shed efficiently, leading to a buildup on the skin’s surface. This accumulation can result in a lackluster complexion, clogged pores, and a barrier that’s less effective in protecting against environmental aggressors.

Toxins Hitching a Ride – Dead skin cells act as a magnet for environmental toxins, pollution, and impurities. The microscopic gaps between these cells provide the perfect hiding spots for pollutants, contributing to the gradual deterioration of the skin’s health. As these toxins accumulate, they can exacerbate various skin issues, including inflammation, breakouts, and premature aging.

Benefits of Removing Dead Skin Cells

Enhanced Radiance – Regular exfoliation helps unveil the fresh, new skin underneath, promoting a radiant and youthful complexion. By eliminating the dulling layer of dead cells, you allow your skin to reflect light more effectively.

Improved Texture and Smoothness – Dead skin cells can create an uneven skin texture. Exfoliating helps to smoothen the skin’s surface, leaving it soft and supple. This improved texture not only feels great but also enhances the effectiveness of skincare products applied afterward.

Prevention of Breakouts – Clogged pores are a breeding ground for acne-causing bacteria. Removing dead skin cells through exfoliation helps prevent the buildup of debris and reduces the likelihood of breakouts.

Boosted Collagen Production – Stimulating the skin through exfoliation can promote increased collagen production. Collagen is crucial for maintaining skin elasticity and firmness, contributing to a more youthful appearance.

Enhanced Absorption of Skincare Products – A clean slate allows skincare products to penetrate more effectively. After exfoliation, your serums and moisturisers can better reach the underlying layers of the skin, maximizing their benefits.

So, regularly removing dead skin cells is a simple yet powerful step in achieving and maintaining healthy, glowing skin. By understanding the relationship between dead skin cells, toxins, and the benefits of exfoliation, you can embark on a skincare journey that revitalizes and rejuvenates your complexion, leaving you with skin that radiates vitality and resilience.

Please get in touch or book in for a Skin Consultation with one of our Experts here, if you want to have a quick chat, please do give us a call on 01932 731762

Skin Care

Bidding Farewell to Acne Scars: Effective Treatments for Clearer Skin

Acne can be a challenging skin condition to deal with, but the scars it leaves behind can be equally frustrating. Acne scars come in various forms, including pitted, raised, or discolored marks, and they can significantly affect one’s confidence and self-esteem.

Fortunately, there are several effective treatments available to help you say goodbye to acne scars and hello to clearer, smoother skin.

Understanding Acne Scars

Before diving into the treatments, it’s essential to understand the different types of acne scars:

Atrophic Scars –  These scars are characterized by depressions or pits in the skin. They often result from the loss of tissue during the acne healing process and are commonly referred to as “icepick” or “boxcar” scars.

Hypertrophic Scars –  Unlike atrophic scars, hypertrophic scars are raised and appear above the skin’s surface. They are typically more common in individuals with a genetic predisposition to scar formation.

Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH) –  PIH occurs when areas of skin affected by acne become darker or discolored. It’s essential to distinguish between PIH and true scars, as PIH often resolves on its own over time.

The treatments we have at Surrey Laser Clinic to help you with this –


Microneedling, also known as collagen induction therapy, is a minimally invasive procedure that can significantly improve the appearance of acne scars. During a microneedling session, we use a device with fine needles to create controlled micro-injuries in the skin’s surface.

How It Works:

  • Microneedling stimulates the skin’s natural healing processes, promoting the production of collagen and elastin, which are essential for healthy, scar-free skin.
  • As the skin heals, it becomes smoother and more even in texture, reducing the appearance of acne scars.


  • Effective for atrophic scars, including boxcar and rolling scars.
  • Minimal downtime and discomfort.
  • Noticeable results after a series of sessions.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are another popular option for treating acne scars. These treatments involve the application of a chemical solution to the skin, which causes controlled exfoliation and peeling.

How It Works:

  • Chemical peels remove the damaged outer layer of skin, revealing healthier, smoother skin underneath.
  • Different types of chemical peels are available, ranging from superficial to deep, depending on the severity of your acne scars.


  • Effective for addressing pigmentation issues, including PIH.
  • Can improve the texture and tone of the skin.
  • Customizable to your specific needs.

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy has revolutionized the treatment of acne scars, offering precise and targeted results. Fractional laser treatments, such as fractional CO2 or fractional erbium lasers, are commonly used for scar revision.

How It Works:

  • Fractional lasers create thousands of microscopic channels in the skin, stimulating collagen production and cell turnover.
  • This process leads to smoother, rejuvenated skin with reduced scarring.


  • Precise and controlled treatment.
  • Effective for various types of acne scars.
  • Minimal downtime, with most patients able to resume regular activities within a few days.

Please get in touch or book in for a Skin Consultation with one of our Experts here, if you want to have a quick chat, please do give us a call on 01932 731762

Skin Care

How Sleep Affects Skin and How to Get More!

Sleep helps to combat a multitude of issues from gut health to stress and is an important cornerstone of wellness. Prioritising sleep will help your body on every level and allow you to get the most from your skincare regime.

How lack of sleep impacts skin

Ever woken up after a broken night’s sleep to puffy eyes, a dull complexion and slack skin? Beauty sleep is no joke, we really do look tired when we’re struggling with sleep, and that’s because our body perceives loss of sleep as stress. After a bad night our cortisol levels rise and that means skin is less able to repair efficiently and in the morning it shows. By ensuring you get enough shut eye you’ll limit your cortisol levels which is good news for your skin, not to mention your mind and body.

How to get better sleep

According to The Sleep Charity, the average sleep an adult requires or might expect to sleep is around eight hours a night. However, there is no ‘normal’ length of time, it is whatever is natural for you.” Sticking to a consistent bedtime routine and keeping a regular bedtime and wake time will help your body’s sleep system to stay balanced. Follow our tips below and you’ll drift off for the restorative sleep your skin needs in no time.

Time to power down

Screen time is a big issue in the modern world, our mobile phones, tablets and computers keep us connected, but they can also rob us of precious sleep time. It’s not just the mental stimulation they provide, it’s also the specific blue light that they emit. Blue light inhibits the hormone that helps us to fall asleep – melatonin and makes us think it’s time to wake up! 

The Sleep Charity recommends avoiding screens for an hour before bedtime and suggests switching off overhead lights and turning on lamps to help ease your body into sleep mode.

Create a calm sanctuary

Make sure your bedroom feels relaxing, it should invite sleep not lead you into worrying about the to-do list, so try to keep it neat and clutter-free. So many of us now work from home and have makeshift offices, but it’s well worth banishing all work paraphernalia from your bedroom, make it a place you love being that is free of stress and busyness. Lavender is naturally calming, so try a pillow mist, diffuser or light a candle to fill your space with chilled out vibes.

Unwind and relax

A racing mind when we get into bed is completely understandable, but it won’t help you to get the restorative sleep you need. Spending some time before bed unwinding will mean you can climb into bed already relaxed and simply drift off. Instead of watching that extra episode Netflix tantalisingly suggests, turn off the tech and reach for a book to help you move into the right frame of mind for sleep.

The optimum temperature

It’s tempting to think that an extra warm room will help you to sleep, but according to The Sleep Charity “our body heat peaks late afternoon and then starts to drop in the evening to prepare your body for sleep, kickstarting melatonin production. An ideal bedroom temperature is around 16-18° C.” Falling asleep can be a challenge when it is too cold (or too hot), so make sure your nightwear keeps you cosy or cool as necessary and invest in natural fibres like cotton or silk as the plastic fibres of polyester and nylon can keep us too hot and lead to unsettled night.

When we don’t sleep well it can have a huge impact on our wellness in general, causing issues in all sorts of areas, we know zzzz’s are crucial for health and happiness, not to mention skin health.

If you have any skin concerns please get in touch or book in for a Skin Consultation with one of our Experts here, if you want to have a quick chat, please do give us a call on 01932 731762

Skin Care

The Benefits of a Skin Consultation

Why is it so Important?

We are all chasing radiant and healthy skin and making informed decisions about your skincare regimen is paramount.

While countless products and DIY routines claim to be the magic solution to all your skin concerns, nothing compares to the expertise and personalised guidance you can receive from a personalised consultation.

This blog explores the benefits of booking a consultation at a skincare clinic and why it’s a crucial step in your journey to achieving your skincare goals.

Tailored Assessments

One of the foremost advantages of a skincare clinic consultation is the opportunity for a tailored assessment of your skin. Every individual’s skin is unique, influenced by factors such as genetics, lifestyle, and environmental exposures.

Our Skincare professionals have the expertise to thoroughly evaluate your skin’s condition, identifying its specific needs and concerns. This serves as the foundation for ceating a skincare plan that accomodates your skin’s requirements.

Targeted Solutions

Having a consultation at a skincare clinic empowers you to access targeted solutions for your skin concerns. Whether you’re dealing with acne, fine lines, hyperpigmentation, or any other skin issue, the experts at the clinic can recommend the most suitable treatments and products. This ensures that your skincare routine isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach but rather a precise and strategic plan designed to address your unique concerns.

Treatment Options

One of the key benefits of a skincare clinic consultation is a wide variety of treatment options that may not be readily available over the counter.

Clinics offer a range of advanced treatments, including chemical peels, microdermabrasion, laser therapy, and more.

These treatments are performed by skilled professionals and are tailored to your specific skin goals. Booking a consultation opens the door to exploring these transformative treatments that can rejuvenate and revitalize your skin.

Product Recommendations

Navigating the world of skincare products can be overwhelming, with brands hungry for your attention.

During a clinic consultation, skincare experts can recommend products that are best suited for your skin type and concerns. These recommendations take the guesswork out of your skincare routine, ensuring you invest in products that deliver results.

Education and Awareness

A consultation at a skincare clinic is an educational experience that equips you with a deeper understanding of your skin. Skincare professionals often take the time to explain your skin’s condition, the causes of specific issues, and the science behind recommended treatments.

This knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions about your skincare routine and fosters a sense of responsibility for your skin’s well-being.

Long-Term Planning

Effective skincare is a journey, not a destination. We understand the importance of long-term planning and can create comprehensive treatment plans that span months or even years. This ensures that your skin receives consistent care and monitoring, allowing you to achieve and maintain the desired results over time.

Confidence Boost

When you invest in your skin’s health through a skincare clinic consultation, you’re taking a proactive step toward enhancing your overall appearance and well-being. As you witness the positive changes in your skin, it’s natural for your confidence to soar. Healthy, glowing skin can boost your self-esteem and provide a renewed sense of self-assurance.

Please get in touch or book in for a Skin Consultation with one of our Experts here, if you want to have a quick chat, please do give us a call on 01932 731762

Skin Care

Do You Have New Skin Care Resolutions this year?

As we get further in to the New Year, why not add skin care to the list of good intentions to set yourself.

With small changes, you can create your new skin care resolutions this New Year and improve the overall health of your skin, prevent signs of aging, and ensure your skin has a healthy glow all year round.

Commit to these skin care resolutions now so you can enjoy the benefits all year long.

Clean Out Your Skin Care Collection

Skin care products sadly, do not last Every six months, take the time to clear out your stockpile of skin care products. Keep the products you love, pass on the ones you don’t, check expiration dates, and toss anything that’s too old.

Moisturise Morning & Night

Moisturising your skin encourages healthy cell turnover, helps fight the signs of aging, rehydrates and plumps the skin, and restores the moisture you lose throughout the day—all of which play an essential part in ensuring your skin looks its best. Apply moisturiser every morning and night to keep skin hydrated.

Pamper Your Lips

Don’t neglect your lips! Dry lips can lead to cracking, bleeding, chapping, and other damage. Use moisturising lip products regularly to protect and hydrate the skin of your lips, especially during the cold and wintry months.

Wash Your Makeup Brushes

Washing your makeup brushes not only helps them last longer but also gets rid of harmful bacteria. Commit to washing your brushes with water and a drop of gentle shampoo every week to keep them clean.

Wear Skin-Healthy Makeup

Skin care products and makeup you use should work together to keep your skin balanced and nourished. Aim to use skin-healthy makeup that won’t irritate your skin or clog your pores to achieve a healthier complexion in the new year.

Take Off Your Makeup At Night

Leaving your makeup on overnight can clog your pores, lead to blackheads and acne, accelerate signs of aging, and cause other skin problems. If you wear makeup during the day, take the time to wash your face before climbing into bed that night.

Use A Face Mask Once A Week

Face Masks are a great addition to your skin care routine and come in a variety, designed to address specific skin care issues. Use a face mask one to three times a week after cleansing to repair damaged skin and achieve a smoother complexion.

Wear Sunscreen Every Single Day

Let’s make this the year that you apply sunscreen to your face and neck every single day—no matter the weather or season. Additionally, cover all other exposed skin before heading outside, including the backs of your hands and your forearms. Aim for products with an SPF of at least 30 to 50, and follow the directions to ensure you get full protection.

Start An Anti-Aging Skin Care Routine

It’s never too late to start an anti-aging skin care routine that helps minimise the signs of aging. By incorporating anti-aging products into your existing skin care routine, you can prevent fine lines and wrinkles and maintain a plump, youthful appearance.

Be Consistent

When it comes to skin care, consistency is key. To experience the benefits of most skin care routines, you must give them time to work. It can take weeks for you to notice changes caused by some skin care products. This New Year, make a resolution to create a skin care routine that you can follow consistently.

Please get in touch or book in for a Skin Consultation with one of our Experts here, if you want to have a quick chat, please do give us a call on 01932 731762