Skin Care

What is Rosacea?

Rosacea is a skin condition that primarily affects the face, causing redness, flushing, and visible blood vessels. It typically begins with episodes of facial flushing or blushing that may eventually become permanent.

The exact cause of rosacea is unknown. Factors such as sun exposure, hot or cold weather, emotional stress, certain foods, alcohol, and spicy foods can trigger or worsen the symptoms in some individuals.

How can we help you with Rosacea?

In many ways, during your consultation, we can chat about the different options available to you at the clinic.

Skin rejuvenation procedures can potentially help manage the symptoms of rosacea, although the effectiveness may vary from person to person.

Laser Therapy can help target and reduce the redness associated with rosacea. It can also help minimize visible blood vessels and improve overall skin texture, provide long-lasting results.

Chemical Peels in particular those containing alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), may help improve the appearance of rosacea. They can exfoliate the skin, reduce redness, and improve texture. If you chat to Rachael our skin specialist she can advise you on which peel is best for your skin.

Microneedling is a procedure that creates tiny punctures in the skin using a device with fine needles. It stimulates collagen production and can improve overall skin texture, reducing the appearance of rosacea symptoms.

It’s important to note that the effectiveness of these treatments can vary, and some individuals may experience better results than others.

We can have a chat at your consultation to work out your specific condition and recommend the most suitable treatment options for you.

Additionally, it’s crucial to follow a comprehensive skincare routine, avoid triggers that worsen rosacea symptoms (such as certain foods or environmental factors), and protect your skin from excessive sun exposure to manage rosacea effectively. You can talk with Rachael about our Alumier products and which ones would best suit you.

Laser Hair Removal Skin Care

Laser Hair Removal & Sunshine

Laser Hair Removal and Sunshine

Before laser hair removal treatments, we would advise you to avoid direct sun exposure and tanning beds for a 2 week period beforehand. Excessive sun exposure can increase the risk of complications and side effects during the laser hair removal.

Sun exposure can darken the skin and increase the amount of melanin, this can interfere with the effectiveness of the laser treatment. It may also increase the risk of side effects such as skin discoloration, burns, or blistering so it’s really important to protect your skin from the sun’s rays and avoid tanning beds in the weeks leading up to your laser hair removal appointment.

One of the team at the clinic can advise on you on what is too much sun exposure when you come for your initial consultation with us.

What about Sunshine after my treatment?
After laser hair removal, we recommend to avoid direct sun exposure and take some precautions to protect the treated area. Laser hair removal works by targeting the melanin (pigment) in the hair follicles and sun exposure can increase the risk of complications and interfere with the effectiveness of the treatment.

To help you on your way with your Laser Hair Removal & the Sunshine

  • Limit sun exposure ~  It’s best to avoid direct sun exposure to the treated area for at least two weeks following treatment.  This includes both natural sunlight and sunbeds.
  • Cover Up if you can ~ If you are out and about during the first couple of weeks, make sure to cover the treated area with relevant clothing.
  • Sunscreen: Apply sunscreen with a high SPF (sun protection factor) of 30 or higher. Apply to the treated area and reapply every two hours or more frequently if sweating or swimming.

It’s important to consult with one of our team at Surrey Laser that carry out your laser hair removal treatment for specific post-treatment care instructions. They can provide you with tailored advice based on your skin type, the laser used, and the specific treatment area.

Skin Care Skin Pigmentation

How to treat skin pigmentation?

How to treat skin pigmentation?

What Is Skin Pigmentation?

At Surrey Laser Clinic we don’t just treat hair, but other conditions of the skin as well. We get amazing results with hyperpigmentation. Just have a look at the image here of this client. This is the forehead of one of our clients. The pigmentation darkens immediately after the treatment which is normal and then fades over a few days.

Skin pigmentation refers to the colour of a person’s skin, which is determined by the concentration of a pigment called melanin.

Melanin is produced by melanocyte cells in the skin and helps protect the skin from the harmful effects of the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays.

Skin pigmentation can vary greatly between individuals and can be affected by factors such as genetics, sun exposure, and certain medical conditions.

Abnormal pigmentation can result in conditions such as hyperpigmentation (excess melanin production) or hypopigmentation (lack of melanin production).

How to treat skin pigmentation?

  1. Sun protection: Wearing sunscreen and protective clothing when you’re out in the sun can help prevent further pigmentation.
  2. Topical treatments: Depending on the cause of pigmentation, certain creams or ointments can help lighten the affected area. These may include hydroquinone, retinoids, kojic acid, vitamin C, or arbutin. These help and we do recommend Alumier products in the clinic but don’t always give long term results.
  3. Chemical peels: These treatments involved applying a chemical solution to the face to exfoliate the skin and reduce pigmentation.
  4. Laser therapy: Certain types of lasers can target and break down pigmented cells, leading to more even skin tone. See below for more information.

How does laser therapy work on skin pigmentation?

Laser treatment for pigmentation involves using a specific wavelength of light to target and break down the excess melanin in the skin. This allows the body to naturally eliminate the pigmentation over time and promote the growth of new, healthy skin cells. Laser treatment can also stimulate collagen production, which can help improve the overall texture and appearance of the skin. As with all of our laser treatments whether it is hair or pigmentation it is important to note that not all skin types are suitable for laser treatment, and it is essential to consult with our Lynton trained technicians before having treatment,

If you want more information about skin pigmentation then contact our team and one of the specialists can talk you through it 01932 553118

Perhaps you want to discuss your options, and the pros and cons, in more detail. Either way, our team of experts would be delighted to help. Simply get in touch and we can answer your questions, talk you through the process.

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Laser Hair Removal Skin Care

Skin Care Pre & Post Laser Hair Removal

Skin Care Pre & Post Laser Hair Removal

It is very important to look after your skin pre and post laser hair removal and can directly affect the results of the treatment as well. Here is some advice on how to take care of your skin after laser hair removal.


Moisturising the treated area after laser hair removal is vital to keep your skin healthy and hydrated. Laser hair removal can cause temporary swelling, redness, and itching, and a good moisturizer can help ease these symptoms.

It is recommended to use a fragrance-free, non-comedogenic moisturiser that contains ingredients like aloe vera or chamomile, which are known for their soothing and hydrating properties. Avoid using harsh chemicals or essential oils in the treated area, as they can further irritate the skin.

You should apply the moisturiser at least twice a day, or as often as needed to keep your skin comfortable. Make sure to gently massage the moisturiser into the skin, especially on areas that may feel dry or itchy. Overall, moisturising after laser hair removal can help speed up the healing process and give you smoother, healthier-looking skin.

If you would like some more advice on which products to use please email us on as we our Alumier stockists.


Exfoliating after laser hair removal can be beneficial in removing dead skin cells and preventing ingrown hairs, also the dead skin cells can prevent the hair from shedding making the treatment less effective.

It is essential to wait a few days after the treatment, as the skin may be sensitive and may require time to recover. Your skincare specialist can recommend appropriate exfoliating products and techniques that are safe and effective for your skin type. It is also essential to follow a regular skincare routine to maintain the results of laser hair removal.

Sun cream

It is recommended to use sun block after laser hair removal as the treatment may leave the skin sensitive and more susceptible to sun damage. It is important to apply sun block with a high SPF and to avoid direct sun exposure for at least a week after the treatment. This will help to protect the skin and prevent any potential adverse reactions. Additionally, wearing protective clothing and staying in the shade during peak hours can further help to reduce the risk of sun damage.

We stock high grade Alumier SPF to get the best protection if you would like a sample please ask next time you are in the clinic.

Considering laser hair removal? Perhaps you want to discuss your options, and the pros and cons, in more detail. Either way, our team of experts would be delighted to help. Simply get in touch and we can answer your questions, talk you through the process and arrange a free patch test. 

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