Laser Hair Removal

How often should I leave between laser hair removal treatments?

How often should I leave between laser hair removal treatments?

If you are considering laser hair removal, then this is always a good question to as the technicians when you come into the clinic. They can advise the frequency to get the best results.

You may think that if we can do more in a short space of time then this will get better results. Unfortunately, not, and this is due to the way the hair grows.

The hair goes through a cycle of growth. It starts in the hair follicle and then in the anagen phase it begins to push through the skin and is often visible right at the end of the hair cycle.

We can only work on hairs in the anagen phase. The hair cycle takes anywhere from 4-6 weeks and at any one time there will be 10-15% of your hairs in the anagen phase.   

If you were looking for an 80% reduction in your hair growth it will take a minimum of 6 sessions to get there. This is the industry standard as we cannot speed up the hair cycle, there would be no pint doing 6 sessions in 1 month as it would be a waste.

We like to get the patch test done and then 48 hours later do the first treatment; I would always recommend getting that treatment in 48 hours after so the technician can see the skin afterwards.

Why are the face and body appointments further apart?

At the start of your care, we would like to see you every 4 weeks. But if you are having legs, bikini, or underarms, we tend to then spread these out to 6 weeks as the hair growth slows due to follicles being destroyed.

The hair on the face grows quicker though and we can see you every 4 weeks for these. However, if the growth appears more slowly after 4 sessions we may look to spread these out as well.

If you want more information about the frequency of sessions then contact our team and one of the specialists can talk you through it 01932 553118

Perhaps you want to discuss your options, and the pros and cons, in more detail. Either way, our team of experts would be delighted to help. Simply get in touch and we can answer your questions, talk you through the process.

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