Laser Hair Removal

How does laser hair removal work?

How does laser hair removal work?

This is probably one of the most important questions to ask. A lot of our clients are not to interested in this and are only focused on the end results; this is also fine. But the more you can understand the process from a technician stance the more knowledge you have and the better results you can get in the long term if you know what we are looking for.

It doesn’t need to be a technical explanation but sometimes it can go that way so please reach out to us if it doesn’t make sense.

The way we work is by using a medical grade laser called the Motus AY, it is one of the first pain free lasers on the market. It uses a specific wavelength of laser light which when applied to the skin will heat up the hair. The melanin, which is a pigment in the hair, absorbs the heat and transfers this heat down the hair to the base of the hair.

At the base of the hair is something called a follicle, this is the root of the hair where it is grown from. Think of the follicle as a base for the hair to grow from, the laser energy heats up the follicle from the hair and ultimately destroys the follicle. This means that no more hair can grow out of this follicle.

This is permanent hair reduction, and that hair will never grow back. The body will develop new follicles over time but once our clients go through a laser hair removal course, we see them for maintenance every year or even every two years.

The hair needs to be in something called Anagen, this is the growth phase and at any time only 15% of the hairs are in the anagen phase which is why it can take 8-12 sessions to get the results we desire.

Does laser remove 100% hair?

It does 100% remove hair but as mentioned above, the body will develop new follicles which can grow new hairs. The time it takes to develop a new follicle is many months often years, so you will notice a huge reduction in your maintenance.

How long does laser hair removal last after 10 sessions?

This depends on the person, the skin type and hair colour but you will be looking at maintenance every year to two years. Which is not a lot, many of our clients say they don’t even shave in between their maintenance sessions.

If you would like to find out more about our laser hair removal introductory offer then please call 01932 553118