
Why Does Everyone Rave About HydraFacial?

Why Does Everyone Rave About HydraFacial?

You may have heard us talking about HydraFacial over the past few months and we know that a lot of you cannot get enough of it. We wanted to dive in to why that is and dig in to more detail as to why it is so good.

What is HydraFacial?

HydraFacial is a non-invasive, multi-step skin treatment that involves the use of a patented device to cleanse, exfoliate, and hydrate the skin. The treatment combines several advanced skin care techniques to improve the texture, tone, and appearance of the skin. It involves the use of a special tool that simultaneously cleanses, exfoliates, and infuses the skin with a combination of cleansing solutions, antioxidants, and moisturizing agents. HydraFacial can also be customized to address specific skin concerns such as fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and acne. It is a popular treatment among individuals looking for a quick and effective way to improve their skin’s health and appearance without downtime or discomfort.

What are the benefits of HydraFacial?

  1. Deep Cleansing – HydraFacial effectively cleanses the skin, removing dirt, oil, and impurities from the pores.
  2. Exfoliation – HydraFacial gently exfoliates the skin, removing dead skin cells and revealing a fresh layer of skin.
  3. Hydration – The treatment hydrates the skin, boosting its moisture levels and leaving it feeling soft and smooth.
  4. Anti-Aging – HydraFacial helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, promoting a more youthful complexion.
  5. Brightening – The treatment brightens the skin, reducing the appearance of dark spots and promoting a more even skin tone.
  6. Non-Invasive – HydraFacial is a non-invasive procedure, meaning it doesn’t require any incisions or downtime.
  7. Customizable – The treatment can be customized to address specific skin concerns, such as acne or hyperpigmentation.
  8. Immediate Results – Many people notice an immediate improvement in the appearance of their skin after a HydraFacial treatment.

Considering HydraFacial? Perhaps you want to discuss your options, and the pros and cons, in more detail. Either way, our team of experts would be delighted to help. Simply get in touch and we can answer your questions, talk you through the process and arrange a free patch test. 

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Laser Hair Removal Skin Care

Skin Care Pre & Post Laser Hair Removal

Skin Care Pre & Post Laser Hair Removal

It is very important to look after your skin pre and post laser hair removal and can directly affect the results of the treatment as well. Here is some advice on how to take care of your skin after laser hair removal.


Moisturising the treated area after laser hair removal is vital to keep your skin healthy and hydrated. Laser hair removal can cause temporary swelling, redness, and itching, and a good moisturizer can help ease these symptoms.

It is recommended to use a fragrance-free, non-comedogenic moisturiser that contains ingredients like aloe vera or chamomile, which are known for their soothing and hydrating properties. Avoid using harsh chemicals or essential oils in the treated area, as they can further irritate the skin.

You should apply the moisturiser at least twice a day, or as often as needed to keep your skin comfortable. Make sure to gently massage the moisturiser into the skin, especially on areas that may feel dry or itchy. Overall, moisturising after laser hair removal can help speed up the healing process and give you smoother, healthier-looking skin.

If you would like some more advice on which products to use please email us on as we our Alumier stockists.


Exfoliating after laser hair removal can be beneficial in removing dead skin cells and preventing ingrown hairs, also the dead skin cells can prevent the hair from shedding making the treatment less effective.

It is essential to wait a few days after the treatment, as the skin may be sensitive and may require time to recover. Your skincare specialist can recommend appropriate exfoliating products and techniques that are safe and effective for your skin type. It is also essential to follow a regular skincare routine to maintain the results of laser hair removal.

Sun cream

It is recommended to use sun block after laser hair removal as the treatment may leave the skin sensitive and more susceptible to sun damage. It is important to apply sun block with a high SPF and to avoid direct sun exposure for at least a week after the treatment. This will help to protect the skin and prevent any potential adverse reactions. Additionally, wearing protective clothing and staying in the shade during peak hours can further help to reduce the risk of sun damage.

We stock high grade Alumier SPF to get the best protection if you would like a sample please ask next time you are in the clinic.

Considering laser hair removal? Perhaps you want to discuss your options, and the pros and cons, in more detail. Either way, our team of experts would be delighted to help. Simply get in touch and we can answer your questions, talk you through the process and arrange a free patch test. 

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What Is Microneedling?

Microneedling, is a cosmetic procedure that involves using a small device with micro-needles to make tiny punctures in the skin. The purpose of microneedling is to induce collagen production and improve the texture and appearance of the skin. The micro-injuries caused by the needles stimulate the body’s natural healing process, promoting the growth of new collagen and elastin fibres. This can help reduce the appearance of scars, wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging. Microneedling can be performed on the face and other parts of the body. You can feel the needles on the surface of the skin which is why we apply numbing cream beforehand to make the treatment more pleasant and often relaxing.

What is the difference between Microneedling and Microdermabrasion?

Microneedling and microdermabrasion are both cosmetic skin treatments that improve the appearance of the skin, but there are some key differences between them.

Microdermabrasion, is a non-invasive exfoliation treatment that uses a special device to remove dead skin cells and unclog pores. This process improves skin texture, reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and brightens the skin. It is often used to treat mild acne, sun damage, and age spots.

Overall, while both treatments offer similar skin benefits, microneedling is typically more invasive and has longer-lasting results. Microdermabrasion is a gentler treatment that is better suited for those with milder skin concerns.

Difference between microneedling and microblading

Microneedling and microblading are two different cosmetic procedures that involve the use of needles, but they differ in their purpose and techniques. We know about Microneedling from above.

Microblading, is a semi permanent makeup technique that involves the use of a handheld tool with a row of tiny needles to deposit pigments into the skin to create natural-looking eyebrow hairs. Microblading is often used to enhance the shape, fullness, and definition of eyebrows.

In summary, microneedling is a skin rejuvenation technique that stimulates collagen production, while microblading is a semi permanent makeup procedure for enhancing eyebrows.

What happens in a Microneedling treatment?

Before we commence any Microneedling treatment we carry out a thorough assessment with full medical history to ensure you are suitable for the treatment.

During a microneedling treatment, a small handheld device is used to create tiny, controlled punctures in the top layer of the skin. This process is also known as collagen induction therapy because it stimulates the production of collagen and elastin in the skin. These are the proteins that help keep your skin firm, smooth, and elastic.

Before the procedure begins, a numbing cream may be applied to the treatment area to minimise discomfort.

Once your skin is prepared, the provider will begin the microneedling process, moving the device over your skin in a circular motion. The depth of the needles can be adjusted, depending on the desired results and the thickness of your skin.

As the device moves across your skin, it creates tiny channels, which stimulate the body’s natural healing response. This, in turn, triggers the production of collagen and elastin in the area, which helps to repair and rejuvenate your skin.

After the procedure, your skin may be red and slightly swollen, and you may experience some mild discomfort or sensitivity. However, this should subside quickly, and you should be able to resume your normal activities within a few days.

Over time, as your body continues to produce collagen and elastin, you should notice smoother, firmer, and more youthful-looking skin. Microneedling is often used to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, and other skin imperfections.

What are the benefits of Microneedling?

  1. Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles: Microneedling helps to stimulate collagen production, which can help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

    2. Improves skin texture: The tiny punctures created by microneedling also stimulates the production of elastin, which helps to improve skin texture.

    3. Reduces acne scars: Microneedling can help to reduce the appearance of acne scars by stimulating collagen production and breaking down scar tissue.

    4. Brightens skin tone: Microneedling can also help to brighten skin tone by increasing blood flow and encouraging the production of new, healthy skin cells.

    5. Enhances product absorption: The tiny punctures created by microneedling can also help to enhance the absorption of skincare products, allowing them to penetrate deeper into the skin for better results.

If you would like to learn more about Microneedling then call 01932 553118 or email

Considering laser hair removal? Perhaps you want to discuss your options, and the pros and cons, in more detail. Either way, our team of experts would be delighted to help. Simply get in touch and we can answer your questions, talk you through the process and arrange a free patch test. 

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Laser Hair Removal

The Top 5 Ways To Get The Best Results From Your Laser Hair Removal Journe

The Top 5 Ways To Get The Best Results From Your Laser Hair Removal Journey

We want you to get the best results possible, so we have put together 5 of the best ways we believe you can maximise your journey here with us at Surrey Laser Clinic.

How Does Pain Free Laser Hair Removal Work?

This type of laser hair removal typically uses a specially designed device that emits gentle pulses of light energy that target and destroy the hair follicle without causing any significant damage to the surrounding skin tissue.

Patients typically describe the procedure as being painless due to the Moveo technology. Pain-free laser hair removal can be used on almost any part of the body, including the face, legs, arms, underarms, bikini line, and back.

After the initial laser hair removal treatment, the patient may experience some mild redness or swelling, which should subside within a few hours.

How can we make laser hair removal more effective?

  1. Preparation

a) Avoid sun exposure and tanning for at least two weeks prior to the laser hair removal session. This is because the tanned skin may absorb more energy from the laser, which could increase the risk of burns and other complications. Lower settings may also be required, or we may need to skip sessions to wait for the tan to fade thus decreasing the effectiveness of the results.

b) Shave the treatment area: The hair in the treatment area should be shaved at least 12 to 24 hours before the session. This helps the laser energy target the hair follicle without damaging the skin around it.

c). Avoid waxing or plucking: Do not wax or pluck any hair from the treatment area for four to six weeks before the laser hair removal session. These hair removal methods remove the hair from the root, which could interfere with the effectiveness of the laser treatment.

d) Don’t wear makeup or lotion: Do not wear any makeup or lotion on the treatment area on the day of the laser hair removal session. This will help the laser easily target the hair follicles.

2) Technique-all our laser technicians are trained by Lynton medical specialists. We leave no stone unturned in ensuring all our procedures are kept up to date, the correct settings are always used. The way the laser is used is very important, we never want to rush the treatment to treat all the hair follicles and get maximum coverage.

3) Skin type-thanks to the new Moveo technology with the Motus AY machine, all skin types can be treated with this cutting-edge technology. This is because the laser targets the melanin pigment in the hair follicle. Traditionally this was only suitable for lighter skin types due to less melanin and therefore less risk of damager as the technician can be more precise. However, advances in technology have made laser hair removal possible for a wider range of skin and hair types, including those with darker skin tones. It is always recommended to consult a qualified professional to determine if laser hair removal is right for you.

4) After care-it is important to look after your skin post treatment in order to allow it to heal and get the best results long term. Here are some of the steps we advise:

a) Avoiding sun exposure: You should avoid direct sun exposure for at least a week after the treatment. If you have to go outside during this time, make sure to cover the treated area and use a sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher.

b)  Avoiding heat: After the treatment, your skin may be sensitive to heat. You should avoid hot showers, saunas, and hot tubs for at least 24 hours after the treatment.

c) Moisturising: Keeping your skin moisturised after the treatment can help prevent dryness and irritation. Use a gentle moisturizer on the treated area twice a day. You can ask about our Alumier products in house.

d) Avoiding tight clothing: Tight clothing can irritate the skin after laser hair removal. Choose loose-fitting clothing for the first few days after the treatment.

e) Refraining from shaving and waxing: Do not shave or wax the treated area for at least two weeks after the treatment.

f) Applying ice packs: Applying ice packs to the treated area can help reduce any swelling or discomfort.

5) On going care– it is important to remember that new hair follicles can develop over the years, top ups annually will keep them at bay and prevent them from developing in to visible hairs giving you that smooth look all year round. Talk to us about our maintenance packages for a discount.

Considering laser hair removal? Perhaps you want to discuss your options, and the pros and cons, in more detail. Either way, our team of experts would be delighted to help. Simply get in touch and we can answer your questions, talk you through the process and arrange a free patch test. 

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Laser Hair Removal

What Is The Difference Between IPL & Laser Hair Removal

This is a question we often get asked in the clinic when our clients are deciding which way they want to go with their hair removal journey, I hope this sheds some light for you.

What Is IPL?

Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses high-intensity light to treat skin conditions such as acne, rosacea, age spots, freckles, sun damage, and other skin imperfections. This therapy works by targeting the blood vessels or melanin in the skin, thereby reducing the appearance of skin damage or discoloration. IPL therapy is also used for hair removal and rejuvenation purposes. IPL therapy typically requires multiple sessions to achieve optimal results.

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) uses a broad spectrum of light to target hair follicles, while laser hair removal uses a specific wavelength of light to target the pigment in the hair follicle. IPL is generally less targeted and may require more treatments, but it can be effective for lighter skin types and larger areas of the body

What are the drawbacks of IPL?

1. Ineffectiveness on darker skin tones: IPL therapy is less effective on darker skin tones, as melanin in the skin can absorb the light energy intended to target hair follicles or pigmentation, causing burns, blisters, and scars.

2. Not suitable for all skin types: IPL cannot be used on certain skin types, such as those with eczema, psoriasis and active acne.

3. Potential side effects: IPL may cause mild to moderate discomfort, especially during the first few sessions. Some other common side effects include redness, swelling, bruising, itching.

4. Multiple sessions required: Most people require multiple sessions of IPL to achieve optimal results.

5. Sun sensitivity: IPL treatment can make your skin more sensitive to sunlight, so it’s important to avoid direct sun exposure for at least a week after each session.

6. Limited effectiveness on fine hair: IPL therapy is not very effective on fine and light-colored hair, as the hair does not have enough pigment to attract the light energy.

What are the advantages of IPL?

1. Non-invasive: Unlike surgical procedures, IPL therapy is a non-invasive procedure. This means that it does not involve any incisions or injections.

3. Effective: IPL therapy has been shown to be highly effective in treating a wide range of skin conditions. Patients often experience significant improvement in their skin tone, texture, and overall appearance after just a few treatments.

4. Minimal side effects: Compared to other skin rejuvenation treatments, IPL therapy has minimal side effects. Most patients experience only mild redness and swelling, which usually subside within a few hours.

5. Long-lasting results: With proper care and maintenance, the results of IPL therapy can last for several months or even years. This makes it an excellent long-term investment for those looking to improve the appearance of their skin.

6. Quick and convenient: IPL therapy sessions typically take only 20-30 minutes to complete and can be performed in-office. This makes it a convenient option for those with busy schedules.

What is laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is a cosmetic procedure that uses lasers to target and remove hair at the follicle level. The laser beam is directed onto the skin where the hair is present, and the heat from the laser is absorbed by the hair follicles, causing them to be destroyed. This process inhibits hair growth and can lead to long-term hair reduction or removal. Laser hair removal is commonly used to remove unwanted hair from areas such as the underarms, legs, bikini area, face, and arms. It is a safe and effective alternative to traditional hair removal methods like shaving, waxing, and plucking.

Laser hair removal is more precise and may require fewer treatments, but it is generally more effective for darker skin types and smaller areas of the body. It’s important to consult with a professional to determine which method is best for your skin and hair type. At Surrey Laser Clinic we have cutting edge Moveo technology which uses an Alexandrite crystal that is suitable on all skin types and is genuinely pain free.

Drawbacks of laser hair removal?

1. Laser hair removal can be costly, and multiple sessions may be required to achieve long-lasting results. The results suggest that if you shave and wax for the next 20 years 3 times per week the cost of laser hair removal becomes positive after 18 months of product purchase.

2. Pain or discomfort: Some people may experience mild to severe pain or discomfort during the procedure, particularly in sensitive areas. We reduce this with our Moveo head as it is pain free.

3. Skin damage: Laser hair removal can cause skin irritation, redness.

4. Limited effectiveness on certain hair types: Laser hair removal works best on dark, coarse hair, so it may be less effective on lighter or finer hair.

5. Sun sensitivity: After treatment, the treated area may become more sensitive to sunlight, which could result in sunburn or skin damage.

Advantages of laser hair removal?

1. Precision: Laser hair removal targets individual hair follicles, making the treatment more precise than other hair removal methods.

2. Long-lasting results: Laser hair removal can offer long-lasting results compared to traditional hair removal methods such as waxing or shaving.

3. Fast and efficient: Laser hair removal is a fast and efficient process that can treat large areas of the body in a short period.

4. Safe and effective: Laser hair removal is safe when performed by a trained professional and has been shown to be effective in reducing hair growth over time.

5. Reduced ingrown hairs: Unlike other hair removal techniques, laser hair removal reduces the occurrence of ingrown hairs, which can be a painful and unsightly problem for some people.

6. Minimal side effects: Laser hair removal has very few side effects, and any discomfort or redness typically subsides within a few hours to a day.

7. Improved appearance: Laser hair removal can help improve the appearance of the skin by reducing the appearance of stubble or razor burn.

8. Cost-effective: Although laser hair removal may initially seem expensive, the long-term cost of regular hair removal treatments can add up to greater expense.

9. Increased self-confidence: For many people, laser hair removal can lead to increased self-confidence by eliminating unwanted hair and improving overall appearance.

Considering laser hair removal? Perhaps you want to discuss your options, and the pros and cons, in more detail. Either way, our team of experts would be delighted to help. Simply get in touch and we can answer your questions, talk you through the process and arrange a free patch test. 

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Laser Hair Removal

Why is laser hair removal better than waxing?

Looking to get rid of unwanted hair? It’s likely that you’ve come across both waxing and laser hair removal in your search. After all, both are popular hair removal methods for all areas of the body. However, if you’re looking for permanent hair removal that is painless, convenient and offers long-lasting results, there’s only one winner: laser.

Here, we explore how laser hair removal works, what to expect and why it’s so much better than waxing.

What is laser hair removal?

In short, laser hair removal uses powerful beams of light to remove unwanted hair on the body or face. When penetrated into the skin, the light heats up and destroys the hair follicles, stunting growth. After each laser treatment, your hair won’t grow back for some time – and when it does, it will be much thinner. 

The benefits of laser hair removal

It’s quick – and results last

Laser hair removal can take as little as 20 minutes to treat the whole body. While you might think a waxing treatment is just as fast, results from laser last much longer. There’s no downtime either meaning you don’t need to worry about your skin being ready and delicate like it can be after waxing. After waxing or shaving, hair will grow back within days or weeks. But after a laser treatment, it can take months for the hair to grow back, and it’ll be much thinner. 

It’s precise

Ever ripped out a bit of your skin from the hot wax? Perhaps you caught some hair from your head when trying to get those pesky stray eyebrows? Either way, laser hair removal – when carried out by a professional – is extremely precise and targets specific unwanted hair. The area around the hair follicle will also remain undamaged. 

It’s painless

While laser hair removal may have traditionally hurt (or felt like a rubber band snapping on the skin), nowadays smart technology means there are more machines that are completely painless. This is exactly what we offer. We use the exclusive Motus AY – a new painless laser system combining Alexandrite with Nd:YAG laser sources. It’s also the first FDA approved Alexandrite laser that can be used on all skin types (1-6) including on fine and dark hair.  

You’ll always be prepared

Waxing is great – until you have to endure hair growth for 4 weeks to ensure maximum results. With laser hair removal however, that changes. You’ll never need to worry about stubbly underarms, hairy legs or bikini line overgrowth because laser hair removal means that you’re always ready. In fact, you’ll benefit from smooth skin that feels softer and silkier to touch at all times. 

You don’t need to worry about ingrown hairs

Threading, waxing, shaving, epilating – there’s a risk of ingrown hairs with all of these treatments. Not only are they unsightly to look at but they can be painful too. There’s no risk of these when it comes to lasers and, when carried out by a professional, you also don’t need to worry about burns or irritation. 

Considering laser hair removal? Perhaps you want to discuss your options, and the pros and cons, in more detail. Either way, our team of experts would be delighted to help. Simply get in touch and we can answer your questions, talk you through the process and arrange a free patch test. 

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Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal: prep and aftercare

Got any other questions about laser hair removal treatments? Perhaps you want to book a free patch test? Our friendly team of experts will be more than happy to help. Get in touch today for more information or to book a consultation. If you’ve made the decision to invest in laser hair removal, you’ll be pleased to know there are a number of ways you can elevate your results – and prolong them. Typically, laser hair removal can last for years but maintenance sessions will be needed throughout this period.

At Surrey Laser Clinic, we want you to benefit from the full potential of laser hair removal. So below, we’ve pulled together some tips that will help you to get maximum results and ensure that they last longer. 

Before laser hair removal

Tip 1: We recommend shaving 12 hours before each treatment. This will ensure your skin is in the optimum condition. It’s important not to wax, pluck or epilate 4 weeks before your treatment though. Shaving is allowed because it does not remove the hair follicle under the skin. 

Tip 2: Your skin needs to be free from any lotions, SPF, deodorants and cosmetics. This includes fake tanning products. It’s also important not to use a sunbed before laser hair removal.

Tip 3: Be sure to wear loose clothing that allows you to easily expose the desired treatment area. 

Tip 4: On the day of your treatment and 24 hours before, it’s important to keep hydrated. This helps your body temperature to stay regulated and your skin to be ready for the treatment. 

After laser hair removal 

Tip 1: You should avoid waxing, tweezing or plucking the area that was treated as this can disrupt the treatment process as well as stimulate the hair follicle. 

Tip 2: Post treatment, you should avoid direct sun exposure for 2-4 weeks. This includes sunbeds. 

Tip 3: For at least 48 hours, avoid very hot baths, hot showers or steam rooms. You should also avoid swimming for the first 2 days. 

Tip 4: Keep your skin hydrated with your favourite moisturiser. However, we recommend not putting any perfumed creams on your skin for the first 2 days. Aloe gels or calming creams can be used though. 

Tip 5: You may experience some slight redness. Try not to touch the treated area. This could cause irritation, and the skin could break, leading to scarring. 

Tip 6: Wear loose clothing to avoid any friction in the treatment area.

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Laser Hair Removal

Caring for your skin after laser hair removal

Laser hair removal provides people with a convenient, quick and simple solution to unwanted hair. However, after each session, it’s important to follow a few crucial steps to preserve the condition of your skin and elevate the hair-free results. 

One of the most important things to be aware of is which products you should and shouldn’t apply. It’s a question we’re frequently asked too so we thought we’d reveal all in this blog.

Products to avoid

For the first 2 days, it’s important that you give your skin time to heal. Typically, we advise customers not to put on any perfumed or cosmetic products. This also includes fake tan – but we’ve written an entire separate blog on that topic. 

Depending on where you had the laser hair removal treatment, you may also need to avoid makeup for the first few days. Topical creams and harsh products – including those prescribed by doctors – should also not be put onto the treatment area after laser hair removal. 

Products to use

Aloe vera

Aloe vera based gels are ideal for allowing the skin to heal post treatment. Although the laser machines we use at Surrey Laser Clinic are completely pain-free, it’s still important to soothe your skin afterwards. Aloe vera gel can be applied directly to the treatment area for the first 2-3 days. Then, you may continue using your typical skincare products. 


It’s really important you keep the treated area out of direct sunlight. Even if there are no signs of irritation, the sun’s powerful beams may cause skin irritation, making the area sore and red. If you do go outside, be sure to cover up and wear SPF 30+. Artificial UV sources like sunbeds should also be avoided. 


Your skin needs to be kept clean so it’s important to clean the treatment area with a mild cleanser. Products designed for sensitive skin are ideal for this. If showering or bathing, keep the water temperature at a medium to cool heat for the first few days. 


Again, moisturisers designed for sensitive skin are great to use after laser hair removal treatments. Keep the skin clean and hydrated in between treatment sessions too. 


In the weeks after your laser hair removal, hair follicles will be destroyed and fall out. It’s important that you exfoliate your skin during this period to promote healthy skin growth and renewal. For this, use a cloth and mild scrub wash, working in circular motion over your skin. You can do this 2-3 times a week for best results. 
Considering laser hair removal? Got a burning question? Perhaps you want to discuss your options?. Either way, our team of experts would be delighted to help. Simply get in touch and we can answer your questions, talk you through the process and arrange a free patch test.

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