
How to get rid of large pores and fine lines using Microneedling?

Microneedling can be so beneficial if you are wanting help with fine lines and large pores. It is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that tricks your skin with the use of a device with fine needles to create controlled micro-injuries. It is this that will stimulate the body’s natural healing response and the production of collagen and elastin.

Here’s how –

Collagen Stimulation ~ Microneedling promotes the production of collagen, a protein that gives the skin its firmness and elasticity. As we get older, collagen production decreases which leads to the formation of fine lines and enlarged pores.

Microneedling helps to increase collagen production, which can improve the appearance of both issues.

Pore Size Reduction ~ The micro-injuries created during microneedling can trigger the skin’s healing process. This process includes the formation of new, healthier, shinier skin cells and a more even distribution of collagen.

Over time, this can lead to a reduction in the size and appearance of enlarged pores.

Fine Line Reduction ~ Fine lines and wrinkles are the natural result of collagen loss and skin aging. Microneedling can encourage the skin to produce more collagen, which can plump up the skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Of course, results may vary from person to person, with the effectiveness of microneedling for large pores and fine lines depending on individual factors ~ skin type, age, and the severity of the issues.

Additionally, there may be other cosmetic treatments or skincare routines that can complement the effects of microneedling for a more comprehensive approach to skin rejuvenation.

Book in for a Skin Consultation with one of our Experts here and we will always give you our best advice.

Chemical Peels

What is an Alumier Skin Peel?

An Alumier chemical skin peel is when a chemical solution is applied to the skin, usually on the face, to remove the top layer of skin, reaching the deeper layer. Not only does this get rid of old skin cells but the skin that does then rejuvenate through this exfoliation and refinement, is smoother, brighter and younger-looking. What are Skin Peels Used for? Skin peels are used to rejuvenate and resurface the skin and stimulate healthy regrowth, also 

·      Wrinkles

·      Signs of ageing

·      Discoloured areas of skin

·      Scarring

·      Acne

Are there different types of Skin peels? As the solution contains chemicals, treatments come into different depths from light to deep.   A light depth peel, or superficial skin peel, is the lowest level of treatment and removes the epidermis – the outer layer of the skin. This type of treatment is best-suited to fine lines and wrinkles, dryness, uneven skin toneand small areas of acne. A medium depth chemical peel removes skin cells from the epidermis and the dermis – the middle layer of your skin. This type of peel can be used to treat the same concerns as a light chemical peel but is also effective at minimising acne scarring. Finally, a deep skin peel removes the most amount of skin cells and is used for deep wrinkles, aged scarring and even pigmentation. How does it work? Skin peels are a non-invasive way to rejuvenate the skin. We typically use a soft brush to apply the chemical solution, which is made up of glycolic or salicylic acid. This gentle and unique blend of acids provides an effective peel to improve the look and feel of your skin. It also helps to gently exfoliate the skin’s top damaged layers, leaving your complexion fresh, renewed and radiant. If you are thinking about a Chemical Peel, perhaps you want to discuss your options, and the pros and cons, in more detail. Either way, our team of experts would be delighted to help – please do get in touch.
Skin Care

We Want to talk to you about AlumierMD Skincare

Here at Surrey Laser Clinic, we are very proud to be partnered with AlumierMD.

AlumierMD is medical grade skincare and we can offer you a medical grade facial regime here at the clinic.

Why do I need to use medical grade skincare?

They are exclusively dispensed by medical and aesthetic practitioners, meaning that they are sold only by professionals who really, truly understand what the products are doing for your skin and how to build a customised skincare routine, just for you, ensuring visible and long-lasting results.

Medical grade skincare is formulated with clinically validated percentages of active ingredients which are well documented by studies to have a positive impact on your skin and you are likely to see results within 6-8 weeks.

Who can use AlumierMD products and how much do they cost?


Whether you have specific skincare concerns like acne, rosacea, aging or pigmentation, or you just want an overall glowing complexion, you can benefit from using the AlumierMD products.

Both men and women across a wide range of ages have seen amazing results on their skincare journeys.

In terms of cost it depends on which products you choose, they are not as cheap as Nivea and products you can buy in the supermarket. But this is because they are medical grade and higher quality. It depends on what you are looking for? I have yet to find a product that has a higher quality and is the cheapest on the market.

Is AlumierMD cruelty-free?

It is!

From recyclable packaging to working with like-minded suppliers who use ethical animal, human and environmental practices.  Not tested on animals and whose ingredients are sustainably sourced, AlumierMD works hard to ensure that their commitment to sustainability is never compromised – what is not to love?

What’s more – it is a brand you can trust

AlumierMD are honest and transparent with skincare users about the ingredients in their products and the reason why they use them has always been in style.

Artificial fragrances, parabens, artificial dyes, sulphates, phthalates and chemical sunscreen filters have all been rejected by AlumierMD’s scientific committee and chemists.

You can rest assured that any skincare products you use from the brand have been made with the highest quality of ingredients, at the right concentrations and with their clients’ safety in mind at all times.

Where can I get an AlumierMD consultation?

As AlumierMD products contain highly active, medical grade ingredients (which work wonders for skin), you can’t purchase them from the high-street. Instead, a consultation with an AlumierMD professional here at Surrey Laser Clinic is required to ensure you’re using products that are suitable for your skin type and concerns.

Let us help you on your skincare journey.

Our skincare experts can assess your skin, work out what YOU need and create a bespoke skincare regime supplemented with our medical grade facials, where appropriate. We will get you the results you want and our expert team will guide you every step of the way

Come in to see us for Your Bespoke Medical Grade Facial Regime – Contact the Clinic on 01932 553118 to find out more.

Laser Hair Removal

Truths & Myths About Laser Hair Removal

You hear so many different things about Laser Hair Removal, it is hard to know which is the truth and which is a complete myth. We thought we would answer a few of these for you –

Myth: No shaving is needed before laser treatment?

Truth: For the laser treatment to be effective, the hair has to attract the light energy and transport it to the hair follicle. If there’s hair left on the surface, this energy will evaporate on the surface of the skin without reaching the root, Which means the treatment won’t be effective. For this reason all patients asked to shave their hair before treatment. The night before is the optimal time.

Myth: Laser hair removal is only for women?

Truth: Male patients seek laser hair removal as well as female patients. Laser works well on corse dark hair so males can achieve amazing results on their faces and bodies, helping to prevent shaving rashes, irritation and ingrowing hairs.

Myth: Laser hair removal is expensive?

Truth: When compared to the alternatives like waxing over a life time, laser hair removal is actually more affordable than prospective clients think, and there is no downtime waiting for the hair to grow back between sessions, you can shave and be hair free whilst waiting for you next session unlike waxing.

Myth: The laser will burn me?

Truth: As long as you are getting it done by a trained professional it is very rare burning will happen if the client is following pre and aftercare laser advise, laser burning is also very superficial so won’t leave lasting damage to the skin In the unlikely event this has happened.

Myth: Laser is safe for everyone?

Truth: Although laser is a very safe and effective treatment not everyone is suitable for laser this might be due to certain medications or conditions that may make you more sensitive to the laser, this is why a full consultation will be carried out to assess if you are best suited for laser before treatment is carried out.

Myth: Laser works on blonde hair?

Truth: Laser can only work on hair with pigmentation, so blonde and white hairs will not be reduced or removed.

Myth: I can go straight to gym after my session?

Truth: Skip the gym for 12-24 hours after
treatment as this may cause skin irritation, your hair follicles will be extremely sensitive after treatment, by sweating and increasing your body temperature you risk inflammation to your hair follicles. Body sweat also contains bacteria which could again result in rash or infection.

Myth: Lasers cause cancer?

Truth: Laser light does not contain wavelengths that trigger cancers.

We hope this has cleared up a few things for you, we look forward to seeing you in the clinic for your consultation, where we can chat some more.

Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal – What to Expect?

It is always exciting but potentially for some nerve racking when considering whether to have laser hair removal. Hopefully we can outline below what to expect and why there is no need to be nervous.

Laser hair removal works with light being absorbed by melanin, the  pigment in the hair follicle without damaging the surrounding cells. 

What to expect? 

Laser hair removal is a non-invasive treatment. The lasers we use are pain-free so during the session you won’t feel anything. We use the revolutionary Motus AY which has a pain free moveo setting.

Afterwards, it’s rare that you’ll experience any symptoms but we do advise that you avoid exposing the skin to sunlight until after your treatment course has finished.  Appropriate sunscreen is also advised because your skin will be more sensitive to any sun exposure,  no matter the weather.  

How does it feel? 

The laser we use works by heating the hair follicle up and breaking it down. This means the hair cannot grow back in the follicle, causing  long-lasting results and meaning you will no longer waste time shaving or waxing. 

What does the treatment include? 

Prior to treatment, you will have a consultation in which medical history is taken to confirm suitability  for treatment. This is also a good opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have.

Before treatment commences you must provide written consent and a small patch test will be carried out. 

How many treatments are necessary. 

We create a personalised package guided by your skin & hair type to achieve the best results. Only hair that is actively growing is affected, therefore a series of treatments are needed. Treatment  is conducted every 4-8 weeks, depending on the area treated, until results are clear.

The required  number of treatments varies. However, we will guide you through this process every step of the way.  Typically 8 or more treatments are needed for optimum results. 


Reasons for getting laser hair removal are personal but some of the most common laser  hair removal treatments are: 

Cosmetic preferences – long-lasting, smooth skin 

Excessive hair growth 

Younger Looking Skin 

To Avoid shaving and waxing


The most common areas that people want to remove hair from include: 

The face, upper lip & chin



Arms and underarms

Bikini lines 

Hair Laser Removal is also done here FOR MEN – Where Exactly? 




Bottom Chest 


Ears & Face 

We can also treat under 18’s with the consent of a parent/guardian  – please enquire for further details.


Does Brazilian wax or laser hurt more?

Does Brazilian wax or laser hurt more?

We carried out a mini survey in our clinic and had some fun with our clients regarding this question.

We have the bonus that we have the Moveo pain free hand piece, so when we asked clients that were having this, they all said that having a wax was 100% more painful as you genuinely cannot feel anything when having the Moveo handpiece.

With some of the more stubborn hairs we use Nd:Yag laser and you can feel this, overall out of the clients we asked that were having this type of treatment, they said that the Nd:Yag was less painful than a wax.

This makes sense as the wax is ripping the hair from the follicle and it is irritating the dermal and subdermal layer and pulling the skin, so the mechanoreceptors (these sense movement) are going to be stimulated this can also activate pain fibres and make it feel painful.

The laser works differently in that it is heating up the skin, so if you can keep the skin below the heat threshold then the pain fibres will not get activated in the same way. For example, have you ever put you hand over a candle? Yes, we have all tried it when we were younger, what you may find is that for the first second you don’t feel the heat, until the heat builds up more and more then you start to feel it and it causes pain, you then draw your hand away.

A similar thing happens with the laser, if you left the laser in one place it will heat up the follicle but also the surrounding skin and you will feel the pain as a zap. At Surrey Laser we are moving the laser frequently to avoid heating the skin too much but also getting as much exposure to the follicles as possible.

We also precool and post cool the area and apply aloe vera cream to avoid the heat building in the skin. You can get some god quality aloe vera and we would recommend applying that after your laser.

Can I shave 1 hour before laser?

The short answer is no.

The reason is when you shave it can irritate and inflame the skin. You are then going to be having laser which heats the skin up and you want to ensure that you don’t cause any issues following the treatment.

You could also cut the skin very finely, like a micro cut and this can then be susceptible to the laser heat. We would recommend shaving at least 24 hours before your appointment just to let everything settle down so you are comfortable for your treatment.

If you would like to find out more about our laser hair removal introductory offer then please call 01932 553118

Laser Hair Removal

Why is my hair growing back faster after laser?

Why is my hair growing back faster after laser?

This topic can get somewhat technical so please tell me if I haven’t explained this well and we can try a video blog as well to get a better understanding.

This is NOT uncommon, and I will get into the reasons why, but first we need to understand how the hair growth process works to determine why it grows back quicker.

The hair grows from a hair follicle, think of the follicle like a tight knit sleeping bag, it is warm and provides the support for the hair.

As the hair grows this is called the anagen phase, it is using nutrients and amino acids called keratin to become stronger and able to push through the dermal layer. At anyone time you can have between 15-20% of your hairs in this phase, this is the best phase for laser hair removal as the hair absorbs the laser energy as heat and this transmits down to the hair follicle (sleeping bag) and heats up the follicle which destroys it.

Now you would think well if the follicle were destroyed shouldn’t the hair just fall out?

Well unfortunately not as it is still anchored in the dermal layer and will be pushed out further over the next 30-60 days which is why after that session it can appear that there is more hair growth, but it is simply the dead hairs being pushed out and coming to the surface.

These will fall out on their own. You can shave them but do NOT pluck or use hair removal cream as this will interrupt the process.

Hopefully that explains the process and why there is often more hair growth after laser hair removal. If not give me a call and I can go through it.

Can you see results after one session of laser hair removal?

When we talk about results, our clients usually want soft, smooth skin and be able to see that after the sessions. After just one session this is unlikely, but we do often hear that our clients haven’t noticed as much growth and haven’t needed to shave as much. This is a great sign and we always look forward to seeing where they will be at session eight as this is where a lot of change happens.

If you would like to find out more about our laser hair removal introductory offer then please call 01932 553118

Laser Hair Removal

Is Brazilian laser hair removal embarrassing?

Is Brazilian laser hair removal embarrassing?

This is the most popular area to have laser hair removal for our clients. You are going on holiday and don’t want to worry about your bikini line whilst you are away.

It is very easy to do and pain free with our new Motus AY machine; the first painless hair removal machine in Surrey. If you don’t believe us, then come in for a free patch test!

We appreciate that coming in for this type of treatment might feel daunting. This is why we want to ensure you feel comfortable from the start. We take the time to do a full consultation first to understand what your goals are and explain to you the nature of the treatment and what to expect. We will show you around the clinic and answer any questions that you may have. 

Lasering the bikini area is actually the most popular area we treat here at SLC. Our expert clinicians are therefore trained and experienced in delivering this treatment and ensuring the best results.  Nothing phases them so please do not be worried or embarrassed.  Our clinicians have treated thousands of women over the past three years here at SLC. They just want you to feel confident and happy in your own body!

You can keep your underwear on, or we can offer some disposable alternatives which can be maneuvered to ensure we get the best coverage – whatever you feel most comfortable with.

Is it safe to laser your pubic hair?

Absolutely, we just need to do a thorough initial examination to understand what skin and hair type you have, to ensure we apply the correct settings. The pubic area is more sensitive, so we use a lower intensity on the laser.

Afterwards, it is important to follow the technicians’ instructions. There may be some redness or itching, this is normal and a good response. It means the laser has done its work and has effectively broken down the hair follicles to prevent them from growing back giving you that all-year-round smooth bikini line.

How painful is pubic laser hair removal?

We have two types of laser, the first is our pain free laser using the Moveo handpiece, this will feel like a cooling fan over your skin. The second is our Nd:Yag laser which is more traditional and you will feel some sensation on the skin. We will discuss which is more suitable for you at your initial skin consultation. 

If you would like to find out more about our laser hair removal introductory offer then please call 01932 553118

Skin Care

Top Tips for Essential Autumn Skincare

There feels like there is a little drop in the temperature when we wake up, this can only mean that the Autumn is around the corner, and we want to keep our skin looking as stunning as the season itself.

We look at essential skincare tips to help you, when we are indoors our skin is exposed to heating and we spend a little less time outside.  All this has a downside to the effects of our skin, but a few simple steps can keep you glowing.

  • Moisturise Moisturise Moisturise ~ As the weather becomes cooler and humidity drops, the skin tends to become drier.  Switch to a thicker, more hydrating moisturiser to help lock in moisture and prevent your skin from becoming dry and flaky.
  • Stay hydrated ~ Drinking plenty of water helps keep your skin hydrated from the inside out.  Herbal teas and foods with a higher water content can also contribute to your hydration levels.
  • Sunscreen ~ Even though Summer is almost over, UV rays are still very much present and can damage your skin, use at least an SPF 30 on exposed skin, especially when spending time outdoors.
  • Exfoliate ~ Your skin is at risk from drying out and getting dull as Autumn kicks in, so regular and gentle exfoliation will remove dead skin and keep your skin feeling great and looking fresh.
  • Update your skincare routine ~ We are proud to partner with Alumier – a fabulous skin care range that is the best addition to our skincare treatments. You can contact us for a bespoke expert skin consultation and we can create your skincare routine together.
Laser Hair Removal

Why can’t you go to the gym after laser hair removal?

Why can’t you go to the gym after laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal has been one of the greatest innovations to grace the cosmetic market and it continues to get better and improve and the results speak for themselves.

The safety has improved, the fact we can now treat darker skin where we couldn’t before, and the downtime has improved with the technology.

However, there are still some drawbacks we I cannot see changing due to the nature of how the treatment is performed.

We still do not recommend our clients go and do exercise immediately after having laser hair removal, go out in the sun or have hot showers.

Why? Well, the reason is the treated areas of the skin may become sensitive and temporarily irritated. This is because the laser targets and damages the hair follicles, leading to inflammation and redness.

The heat from the laser also causes the surrounding skin to become warmer, so you need to let it cool properly, going to the gym will raise your body temperature and can cause the temperature of the skin to increase.

Engaging in intense exercise or going to the gym immediately after the treatment can exacerbate these side effects or cause discomfort.

Sweat, heat, and friction may further irritate the skin, leading to potential skin damage. It is generally recommended by our technicians and Lynton to avoid activities that may increase perspiration or friction on the treated area for 24 hours after laser hair removal to allow the skin to heal properly.

Can you go in a hot shower or sauna after laser hair removal?

No ideally a colder shower, perhaps not ice cold. But not a hot shower as the skin is hot, putting more heat on it can increase the inflammation and redness and take more time for the skin to settle down.

Just think cold, cold, cold. Easy in the summer but not so good in the winter, we are sorry. We will continue to try and improve the advances in our technology and keep up to date with the changes and if something comes up, we will let you know.

If you would like to find out more about our laser hair removal introductory offer then please call 01932 553118